+ Who can use the Service?

The Online Chat Service has been developed to support bereaved siblings aged 18 and over throughout Australia.

+ Can I use this Service for crisis support?

No, this Service should not be used for crisis support. It is not a professional mental health service. It will provide informal peer based social and emotional support.

If you need immediate crisis support, please contact

Suicide Line 1300 651 251

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or

Lifeline 13 11 14

+ When can you have an online chat with another bereaved sibling?

The peer support offered by this Chat Service is live online daily between the hours of 3pm and 12 midnight. Outside of these times, you can leave a message detailing when you’d like to be contacted during normal service hours and the Chat Responder on the very next shift will get back to you.

+ Why do I need to register to use the Service?

To protect both you and the bereaved peers providing this service, we need to collect basic information about each user. This information will be held securely on our database and will not be given to any third party and will not be used other than to contact you about this pilot program. As part of the registration process you will be asked to provide your full name, address, gender, age, phone contact and email contact. This information will be also be used to report to the pilot funders in a general way that does not identify any individual or their details.

+ How do I contact another bereaved sibling?

Go to the “Connect with Support" section or click on the "Chat" button, register yourself and then send a message. One of our trained Chat responders will get back to you.

+ What is expected of people using this Service?

There are expectations of both the Service user and the Chat responder in terms of how they conduct themselves whilst engaged with this service. To understand these expectations, please ensure you read our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer documents in the Important Information section of this website. If you are unsure, please contact our office on 03 9888 4944 and ask to speak with the Sibling Coordinator.

+ Other than online chats, what information is available?

There is a Useful Resources section that provides a wide range of resources to help you to better understand grief and your journey. We suggest you look at these when you have a moment. There are links to other websites, articles, research papers, tips on selfcare and stories from other bereaved siblings

+ Could I become an Online Chat Responder?

If after a while you feel that you would like to and are ready to support another bereaved sibling, we would be delighted to speak with you about the possibility of undertaking training so that you could be part of this service down the track. Please call our office on 03 9888 4944 and ask to speak with the Sibling Coordinator.