How does the Sibling Support Online Chat Service work?
Once you have registered with the service, you can have an instant live chat with a trained peer Chat Responder between the hours of 8-11pm. You can make contact via the Online Chat Service at any time of the day and any day of the week, but keep in mind that the Online Chat Service will only be live and monitored between 8-11pm daily. Responders will reply to you when they come online. You will receive responses from the Chat Responders who are on duty at the time.
Remember, if you need immediate crisis support contact Suicide Line 1300 651 251, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Lifeline 13 11 14
It is important that you register in order that we can protect both you as the Service User and the Chat Responder. The registration process involves the collection of only basic contact information such as your name, age, gender, address, phone and email contact. If you are not able to provide such details, we ask that in the first instance you call our office on 1300 064 068. The details collected during the registration process will only be used for the purposes of contacting you in relation to this Service and for the general purposes of reporting the results of this pilot project.
To start using this Service, all you need to do is send us a message..........via the Chat button below. Once you have registered, you will automatically receive complimentary membership to TCFV enabling you to access other services and attend events.
Don't forget to save the link to this service on your home screen so that you can access support easily.