Who are The Compassionate Friends Victoria?

The Compassionate Friends (TCF) is the largest peer support organisation in the world, supporting parents, siblings and grandparents after the death of a child, at any age and from any cause. It commenced in Coventry, England in 1969 after a young Reverend Simon Stephens joined two families whose children had died. More families began to join the two families and since the word compassion was used frequently, they decided to call themselves The Compassionate Friends. TCF soon spread to America and Canada, and now, there are hundreds of chapters of TCF around the world.

TCF now operates Australia wide with a national grief helpline, 50 support groups across the country and drop-in centres in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Perth and Mandurah WA, with Victoria having the first TCF drop-in Centre for grieving families in the world.

We are about understanding and mutual support after the death of a child as we grieve, heal and grow. Over the years, TCFV has supported thousands of people and, through the generosity and bravery of our volunteers, has helped to facilitate conversations, friendships and healing.

To learn more about TCFV please visit our website https://www.compassionatefriendsvictoria.org.au/
